How Do I Handle An Injured Adult Possum?

Possums are slow, have poor eyesight, non-aggressive, and are nocturnal. The average lifespan of an adult possum is approximately 2 years. An adult may either be hit by a car or can often survive mauling by a dog. They need help to recover from their injuries. Handling an injured adult possum requires care, compassion, and prudence. Due to their distinct look and nocturnal lifestyle, you must act appropriately to help these marsupials if you see them in need.

Here, you’ll find some valuable tips on safely handling an injured adult possum and effectively executing possum removal from your property.

Steps For Handling An Injured Possum

If you are going to handle an injured possum then first of all it is very important that you should ensure their safety and well-being. Here steps are provided for stress-free handling of an adult injured possum:

Assess The Situation

Before approaching a hurt possum, first, evaluate the situation from a distance. If the possum is in an unsafe area or is near a road then take necessary precautions to avoid the accidents. Also, beware of your own and others’ safety.

Protect Yourself

When you handle an injured possum, wear safety gear such as goggles and gloves, to protect yourself. It is because possums may scrape or bite whether in discomfort or startled to protect themselves.

Approach Calmly

Avoiding loud noises or unexpected movements, move gently and softly towards the hurt possum. Give them an assurance that you mean no harm by speaking softly.

Use A Towel Or Blanket

You can gently cover it with a blanket or towel if the possum is still able to move around. As a result, the possum won’t be under as much stress and won’t be moved around as much. Be careful not to impede its ability to breathe or to put too much pressure on it.

Place A Container

Gently lift the possum and put it in a container with good ventilation after you have the possum safely enclosed. You can put it in a cardboard box with air-flow holes. Line the container with a soft cloth or tissue to make it more comfortable.

Keep It Dark And Warm

Always keep the stress-prone injured possum in a warm, dark, and peaceful environment. You can also place a heating pad underneath a portion of the container to provide a cooler location for the possum to move to if it becomes too warm.

Do Not Offer Food Or Water

Never try to offer food or water to an injured possum because you do not know the correct food for the possum. They have specialized dietary needs and giving possum the incorrect food or water might be detrimental. You should leave this to professionals to handle this issue.

Get In Touch With Local Authorities

Approach your neighbourhood wildlife rescue group, veterinarian, or animal control with experience treating wildlife. They will suggest what to do next and might make arrangements to take the possum to a facility or wildlife rehabilitation.

Release Responsibility

After you have alerted the right authorities, it is your duty to make sure that the possum is secure and unharmed until aid arrives. So, it is your responsibility to keep the container in a calm spot, away from the animals and spectators, who might be intrigued.

Follow Legal Regulations

Different places have different legal rules and regulations for touching and taking care of injured wildlife. Be sure to abide by all these rules to avoid any legal difficulties.


It is essential to treat a wounded adult possum safely and methodically. Get help from an expert by putting safety first both for you and the possum. It is best to leave their care to professionals and keep in mind that wild animals should not be kept as pets. Professionals have all the necessary skills, experience, and resources to rehabilitate them and release them into their natural habitat. Your responsibility is only to save the life of an injured adult possum by taking humanitarian action which will also contribute to the preservation of wildlife in your area.

Possums are incredibly clever creatures! They are perfect for climbing vertical walls and can jump from a tree to a roof up to 4 meters away. They can pull off your roof tiles and will squeeze through the small holes. Possums are flexible and inventive. They are not aggressive, but they tend to eat whatever they get. The types of destruction that possums can do is defecating in sheds, attics or house verandas. There are many questions about the possums that must be answered. We will help you here with the knowledge of the feeding habits of possums.

Our blog has guidance about diet and other important things about possums. Possum can eat the diet that is available according to their habitat. We will tell you about the things that are eaten explicitly by the possums and that attract them to your house. Before that, we want you to know some common characteristics of possums. This will help you to understand things better and save you from the hassle of possum removal again and again. 

Characteristics Of Possums

  • Possums are comfortable in every climate and even live in areas heavily populated with humans.
  • Possums are the only kind of mammals that have four fingers and opposable thumbs on their back feet.
  • Possums are omnivores and are not picky eaters. Their eating habits involve eating anything they can grab.
  • Possums enjoy eating snakes and being immune to snake venom, eat all types.
  • Possums choose wooded areas or farmland with water nearby. They are easily adaptable to all surroundings.
  • Possums feed after reaching their mother’s pouch. After weaning for two months of their age, the babies stay with their mothers for another month or two. They usually ride on her back.
  • Possums are night-loving creatures, though the younger ones can be noticed during the day.

How Possums Hunt and Forage for Food

Possums are opportunistic omnivores, which means they have a varied diet that includes both plant and animal matter. They are known for their adaptability and ability to find food in various environments. Here’s how possums hunt and forage for food:

1. Nocturnal Behavior: Possums are primarily nocturnal, meaning they are most active during the night. This behaviour helps them avoid predators and competition for resources, as many of their potential competitors are diurnal (active during the day).

2. Scavenging: Possums are excellent scavengers. They often feed on carrion (dead animals), which provides them with a source of protein. They can locate and consume animals that have been killed by vehicles, predators, or other causes.

3. Hunting Small Prey: While possums are not skilled predators like some other animals, they do hunt small prey such as insects, snails, slugs, and small rodents. They have a keen sense of smell and hearing, which helps them locate these creatures in the dark.

4. Plant Matter: Possums also consume plant matter, including fruits, berries, nuts, and vegetation. They are known to have a particular fondness for fruits and will often raid gardens in search of food.

5. Foraging Techniques: Possums have sharp claws and opposable thumbs on their hind feet that help them grasp and manipulate objects. This adaptation enables them to search through leaves, grass, and debris for insects and other hidden food sources.

6. Opportunistic Eating: Possums are not very picky eaters. They will eat whatever is available to them in their environment. This flexibility in their diet allows them to survive in a variety of habitats, from urban areas to forests.

7. Slow Movement: Possums are not fast runners or agile climbers, which limits their ability to actively chase down prey. Instead, they rely on their senses and patience to locate and capture food.

8. Adaptations: Possums have specialized adaptations to aid in their feeding habits. Their prehensile tails can be used for balance and even hanging from tree branches, allowing them to access food sources that might be out of reach for other animals.

9. Digestive System: Possums have a simple stomach with a relatively short digestive tract. This is suitable for processing a variety of foods, from animal proteins to plant material.

In general, possums are resourceful animals that can make the most of their surroundings to find sustenance. Their diet and foraging habits can vary depending on their habitat, the availability of food, and seasonal changes.

What Do Possums Like To Eat?

  • Plants- Possums mostly feed on plants, and the volume of their diet is plant-based. The things that Australian possums eat:
  • Leaves- The metabolism of possums is low, so their caloric needs are met with simple plants such as green plum, acacia, red bush apple, and more.
  • Fruit- Possums love chewing on some sweet fruits along with leaves. Fruits are more caloric and give them an instant source of energy. Fruits make them overweight and are not a main course for them.
  • Vegetables- Possums can also eat some vegetables in small quantities.
  • Pests And Insects- Regardless of the image of the possums as cute, harmless and sheltered, still, some species can be very dangerous for eggs, pests and insects near them. For instance, Brushtail possums obtain protein from bird eggs and small lizards. This also includes caterpillars, beetles, and spiders.

What Do Possums Eat When Untamed?

Possums first eat insects. Possums eat beetles, crickets, grasshoppers and cockroaches. Possums are also known as one of the most effective controllers of ticks available. Possums can swallow up to five thousand ticks in one season. This makes them amazing helpers for dealing with ticks.

  • Insects
  • Reptiles
  • Birds
  • Small mammals
  • Berries
  • Fruits
  • Garbage
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Amphibians
  • Seeds
  • Dead animals

Possums also eat some small animals like rabbits, rats, mice, voles, snakes, frogs, birds, lizards, and fish. In the warmer months, when there is the availability of a variety of animal matter, possums surge their consumption of this food source. Possums also snack on nuts and seeds sometimes. 

Food Of Baby Possums

The baby possum is over an inch long at birth. They will immediately seek out their mother’s pouch to nurse. After staying inside for 2.5 months they will have milk only. When the infants come out, they will crawl onto mom’s back. A newborn possum will eat the same diet as an adult during its stay on its mother’s back.

An average baby stays with its mother for 4-5 months. They can take care of themselves at this age. For the babies kept in captivity, powdered milk and later pureed fruits and veggies are given to them. It is very risky to take home a baby possum you notice in the wild; its mother could be nearby.

How Long Do Possums Live?

Possums, specifically the common Brushtail possums found in Australia, have relatively short lifespans in the wild. On average, they typically live around 2 to 4 years. This short lifespan is due to various factors, including predation, accidents, diseases, and harsh environmental conditions. In urban environments, where they face fewer predators and better access to food, their lifespan can sometimes be slightly longer, reaching up to around 4 to 6 years.

In captivity, possums might live a bit longer, often reaching up to 4 to 7 years, with proper care and protection from the hazards they would face in the wild. It’s important to note that these lifespans can vary depending on the species of possum and the specific conditions of their environment.


Possums are opportunistic omnivores with a diverse diet. Their consumption ranges from insects, fruits, and small animals to plants and even human waste. This adaptability underscores their ecological role. Understanding their eating habits is crucial for wildlife conservation and maintaining a balanced ecosystem.

Those who face apparently dead possums should never try to handle the pests. Though they will look lifeless, possums are completely alert playing dead and may attack, bite or scratch if taken hold of. It may spread dangerous diseases like rabies, tuberculosis and spotted fever. 

The suitable way to get rid of possums is to contact wildlife or possum removal professionals. But why do they play dead as a mechanism? Is it a type of fear reaction? Is there any other mechanism for protecting themselves against predators? Can you decide between dead and playing dead from a distance? Let’s read more about this.

Why Do Possums Act Like Dead?

Every animal has a different defence mechanism, and the odd one is the possum. They pretend to be dead to ignore conflict with predators. It is a normal thing that possums do when they feel trapped.

Most of us do not know that this animal is actually not playing dead. The unplanned response to a demanding situation causes the possum to go into shock. They will have no control over their reaction. When it faces a predator it will faint or drop to the ground. People assume it is playing dead.

They can stay in the same state from 40 min to 4 hours while looking blankly ahead or with their eyes, half closed. If they are overstressed then they might stay in that state for extended periods.

How Do The Possums Look When They Play Dead?

While in such a state, a possum’s body becomes uniform. The front feet form onto balls, and they may also even drool from their mouth. It will look as if the stiffening of the joints and muscles has already started.

Their eyes will turn glassy like a creature without a sign of life. A predator will snuffle at it, flip its body or push it over the ground. A possum will not move or get up in any condition.

While playing dead the smell of the possum will also become like dead. They release a liquid from glands located near the tail. This mucus will give off a bad odour. This combination of being dead with that bad odour has helped unnumbered possums escape capture and deadly attacks from predators.

Is This Mechanism Convincing?

It is not necessary that the first response after facing any danger will be ‘playing possum’. Frightened possums growl noisy and deeply. They will continue to increase the pitch of these sounds as the predator approaches. They will also use their sharp teeth to bite. Baby possums do not adapt well to playing dead. Their brains are not well developed for this type of response. Baby possums fail to play dead, falling prey to predators.

Which Animals Eat Possums?

Possums are much smarter than that of a dog, but this doesn’t mean that they do not have predators. There are even some small animals that can outsmart possums. Owls, for instance, are one of the natural predators of possums. Coyotes, foxes, large dogs, bobcats and even house pets are also a danger to possums. They also end up as roadkill to a passing car or die from disease as it is to any of their predators. One of the most dangerous predators of the possum is humans. The methods of poisoning, and trapping used by humans do not give possums a stand to chance.

Far from adults, young possums are most likely to fall prey to capable predators such as eagles and falcons. In Australia, a large number of birds of prey seldom prey on these.

Are Possums Capable Of Controlling Their Playing-Dead Actions?

The expression playing dead defines the lying down position of a possum to ignore unsafe conditions. Possums actually are unable to control playing dead. This response is stimulated when they are stalked or cornered by any predator. Some of the known biologists describe this as going into complete shock or falling into a temporary coma.


Intriguing and adaptive, the possum’s play dead behaviour is a remarkable survival strategy. When confronted by danger, these creatures masterfully feign death, confounding predators and buying precious moments to escape. This astonishing evolutionary adaptation showcases nature’s endless marvels and the lengths to which species evolve to ensure their survival. If you require assistance with possum removal for your property, please reach out to the CBD Possum Removal experts today and receive a complimentary quote.

Possums can appear to be adorable, cuddly animals. In actuality, though, it can completely ruin your landscape. Possums can be a general nuisance that can lower your quality of life, even if they don’t physically endanger you or your family. Possums love to live in burrows of trees which is why your garden is a suitable place for their habitat. We’ll provide you with some possum removal advice in this blog. By Following simple tips and tricks you can keep possums out of the garden.

How To Deter Possums From Your Garden

Should Possums Be Removed From The Garden?

Possums are known for eating fruits, vegetables, and insects, fruit trees can be a major draw for them. By chewing on the trunk, removing the bark, and devouring the fruit, possums can seriously harm fruit trees and veggies farm of your garden.

These creatures can lead to property damage, such as ransacked birdfeeders, overturned trash cans, and much more. In addition, these critters can potentially transmit diseases to pets and people. They frequently harbour pathogens and parasites like fleas.

Possums can spread diseases such as Coccidiosis, Spotted fever, Chagas Disease, Leptospirosis, Tuberculosis, Tularemia, and many more diseases.

When threatened, they also simulate the scent of sick or dead possums, and the accompanying air pollution will repel any homeowner or visitors.

If you find a possum in your garden or nearby your property then don’t panic and handle the situation with the help of a skilled possum catcher. Experienced possum catchers can help you by catching possums and releasing them in a safe environment as killing them is illegal.

Continue reading to learn more about ways How to deter possums from your garden.

How To Deter Possums From Your Garden?

Possums use their sense of smell to detect potential predators. You can use numerous eco-friendly things to keep at bay. After all the goal is to deter them from your garden not to kill. 

  • Menthol Rub – Apply the menthol cream to areas with overhanging branches or other structures. You can wrap tree branches with cling film and then apply chest rub on top to protect delicate trees.
  • Mothballs – Another method to stop possums from stealing citrus fruit is to hang mothballs in the branches.
  • Garlic– Garlic is another best way to keep possums away from the garden yard.
  • Camphor Balls– Because of their acute sense of smell, some smells literally turn them off like Camphor.
  • Ammonia– You can try hanging an ammonia sachet on a fruit tree. Move it to a different position every night so the possums don’t get used to it.
  • Animal-Based Fertilizers– By using Stink Bomb you can deter possums from the garden. Place these stinky bombs along the possum’s path.
  • Sound emitters – While many people vouch for sound emitters and clickers and they do serve as a deterrent, they can be detrimental to neighbourly relations in a suburban setting, especially if a dog is present.
  • Bleach- Possums are drawn to the fragrance of their own bodies. Possum odours are eliminated and they are deterred from utilizing the same passage to access your garden by spraying bleach on it.
  • Light- Possums like to operate in the shadows, so anything you can put in your garden that resembles a possible predator’s reflected eyes or illuminates as they enter the garden can help scare them away.
  • Motion Sensors: Some suggestions are: Luminous eyes on garden ornamental owls are activated by motion sensors. Motion sensor lights can deter possums from choosing fruit trees by shining a motion sensor solar light on their favourite food plants.
  • Quassia Chips- It is a chip of bark from a south american tree that works as a natural repellent to get rid of possums.

Try these tips to help prevent these nighttime visitors from making a meal in your garden!

Possum Repellents And Their Work

Repellents are substances or tools that aim to impair an animal’s sense of taste, smell, or hearing. Since killing possums should only be used as a last resort, using repellents is a more environmentally acceptable method of possum problem treatment.

Deterrents that rely on how bad they smell prove to be more effective. Whatever method you choose, never use deterrents directly on the possums. Harming possums is not only inhumane, but it is also illegal. 

There are amalgamated repellents such as electronic, natural, and many more which are designed to deter pests. Possums can be deterred by making it difficult for them to enter your garden.

Possum Removal And Garden Maintenance

You might need to do more than just clear up trash and dead leaves to revitalize your garden. It won’t surprise you if you have to revive some plants whose leaves have been partially nibbled off by possums. If blooms are chewed off or destroyed in the aftermath, your fruit trees will also require more attention. You can give professional possum catchers a chance to assist you. You can get excellent possum inspection and removal services through experts.

Possums, also known as opossums, are marsupial animals that are common in Australia, Tasmania and neighbouring islands. While they may be cute and harmless outside, they can become quite a nuisance if they make their way into your walls. Possums are nocturnal animals, which means they are most active at night. If you hear strange noises coming from your walls at night, it could be a sign that you have a possum infestation. In this blog, we will explore the signs of a possum infestation in your walls. Also, we will discuss what to do if you suspect possums. 

Identifying The Signs Of A Possum Infestation In Your Walls

Some Signs Of A Possum Infestation In Your Walls

Scratching and Scampering Noises

Possums are agile climbers and can easily make their way up the side of your house and into your attic or walls. Once they are inside, they will make themselves at home by building a nest and scavenging for food. As they move around in your walls, you may hear scratching and scampering noises. These sounds can be especially loud at night when possums are most active.

Unpleasant Odours

Possums have a distinct odour that can be quite unpleasant. If you notice a foul smell coming from your walls, it could be a sign that you have a possum infestation. The odour can be especially strong if the possums are using your walls as a toilet.

Damage to Your Walls

Possums are not picky when it comes to building their nests. They will use whatever materials they can find, including insulation, cardboard, and even electrical wiring. As they build their nests, they can cause damage to your walls and insulation. If you notice any damage to your walls, it could be a sign that possums are living inside.


Possums are not tidy creatures, and their droppings can be a health hazard. If you notice droppings in your attic or walls, it could be a sign that you have a possum infestation. Possum droppings are about the size of a dog’s droppings, and they can carry diseases that can be harmful to humans and pets.

Signs of Gnawing

Possums have sharp teeth and can gnaw through wood, plastic, and other materials. If you notice any signs of gnawing on your walls, it could be a sign that possums are living inside. They may also chew on electrical wires, which can be a fire hazard.

Pets Acting Strange

Pets have a keen sense of smell and can often detect the presence of possums before humans do. If you notice that your pets are acting strange, such as barking or scratching at the walls, it could be a sign that possums are living inside.

Visible Possums

If you are lucky, you may be able to spot a possum in your walls. Possums are nocturnal animals, so they are most active at night. If you hear strange noises coming from your walls, turn on a light and see if you can spot any possums.

What To Do If You Suspect A Possum Infestation

If you suspect that you have a possum infestation in your walls, it is important to take action right away. Possums can carry diseases that can be harmful to humans and pets, and they can cause damage to your property.

The first step is to identify the entry points that the possums are using to get into your walls. Once you have identified the entry points, you can seal them off to prevent the possums from getting back in.

Next, you will need to remove the possums from your walls. This can be a tricky process, as possums can be aggressive when they feel threatened. It is best to call in professionals to track and trap them safely. 


Possums leave many signs of infestation and you can act based on them to save yourself from severe infestations. You can take help from professional possum catchers to confirm if you are seeing some doubtful signs. Anyhow, you should not ignore signs of possum infestation. 

Possums are found exclusively in Australasia, which includes the continent of Australia and its numerous neighbouring islands such as New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Tasmania, Celebes, and the Solomon Islands. Their natural habitat is limited to this region, and they are not found anywhere else in the world unless they are in captivity. Possums love to hide on roofs. However, you can capture the possum and release it about 50 meters away from the place. After this, you can follow some tips and tricks that we have discussed in this blog to prevent possums from re-entering your roof. So, if you are noticing possums on your roof, don’t worry. 

Preventing Possums From Re-entering Your Roof Tips And Tricks

How To Remove Possum From Roof? 

The best method for removing possums from the roof is to place traps. Thus, place a trap on the ground or trees that lead to your house roof. You can also place a trap on the roof. But you must know how to place traps for possums. Before placing traps, you must put the bait(fruit) inside the cage. Regardless, some traps can be ignoring elements for possums. Possums can immediately climb tall fences and even on trees. 

After placing a trap, you can wait and watch when the possum enters the cage. Soon after that, you can arrange possum relocation. You must relocate them safely. Moreover, you can also scare possums with a stick and they may go away. 

Tips and Tricks To Prevent Possums from Re-entering Your Roof

Use Repellents

Take a possum repellent and place it on the perimeter of your premise. Moreover, placing the repellent is not harmful to them. As it will not kill the possums but will keep them away. You can use a mixture of water and molasses. Thus spray this mixture on the roof which is a strong repellent for possums. 

Use Smells

You can also use some obnoxious odour that possums hate. Just like humans, possums hate smells of rotten fish, eggs or their predators. Moreover, some other smells which keep possums away from the roof are Garlic, Ammonia and Mothballs. Nevertheless using a homemade solution like vinegar or gasoline will be very effective in preventing possums from re-entering roofs. Also, you can spray this solution on the trees. Moreover, make sure to place these smells on the possum tracks. Importantly make sure never to place these sprays in the soil. 

Play The Loud Sounds

Playing loud sounds is another solution to prevent possums from getting on your roofs. Simply generate loud voices for scaring the tiny possums. However, make sure that these noises are not disturbing others at your house. Thus possums just hate the loud sound and noises. Hence some sounds that possums hate are screaming, grunting or hissing. Thus the above sounds are a powerful tool for preventing possums from the roof. 

Spray Water Hose

Are you seeing possums in your neighbourhood? Just turn on the water hose immediately. A water hose will scare possums from climbing onto your premise roof. However, this step will only work when you see a possum. However, you can’t wait to do this rather than follow the above methods.  

Possum Nesting Box Installation

Possum nesting boxes are an excellent way to provide a habitat for these nocturnal marsupials. To install a possum nesting box, choose a suitable tree at least 5 meters tall and free from surrounding branches. Fix the box securely to the tree using a durable strap or wire. Ensure that the box entrance faces away from prevailing winds and direct sunlight. Finally, place some dry grass or leaves in the box to make it comfortable for possums. Regularly inspect the box to ensure it is still securely fastened and free from debris.


We hope your query, that is, Preventing Possums from Re-entering Your Roof: Tips and Tricks, is solved with the above steps. But if you want to remove possums from your place, contact our CBD Possum Removal professionals as soon as you can. Thus always make sure to hire dedicated experts for removing the possums from your place. Professionals use the best tools and solutions for removing possums from your premises. 

Protecting your plants from possums can be a challenge, but there are several methods you can use to keep them safe. Possums are known to be voracious herbivores, and they can cause significant damage to your garden or landscaping if left unchecked. 

Four Ways To Protect Plants From Possums

Here Are Four Ways To Protect Your Plants From Possums

1. Physical Barriers

One of the simplest and most effective ways to protect your plants from possums is to install physical barriers around them. Fencing is an excellent option, as it keeps possums out while allowing light and water to reach your plants. Wire mesh fencing with small holes is ideal, as it provides a barrier that possums cannot climb or gnaw through. For smaller plants, you can also use mesh or netting to cover the top of the plant, as this will keep possums from reaching the leaves and stems.

2. Repellents

Repellents are another effective method for deterring possums from your plants. There are a variety of commercial repellents available, many of which contain natural ingredients like peppermint or vinegar. Some gardeners have also had success with using human hair, as the scent of a predator can be enough to keep possums away. However, keep in mind that repellents may need to be reapplied after rain or heavy dew, as the effects can be diminished.

3. Traps

Trapping possums can also be an effective solution, but it should only be done by a professional wildlife trapper. Trapping and removing possums can be dangerous and should never be attempted by someone without the proper training and equipment. Additionally, it is important to follow all local laws and regulations regarding wildlife trapping, as this can vary depending on where you live.

4. Planting Possum-Resistant Plants

Finally, you can protect your plants by choosing species that are less appealing to possums. Some possum-resistant plants include lavender, rosemary, and lemongrass, as the strong scents can deter them from feeding on the leaves. Other plants that are often left alone by possums include succulents and cacti, as these have tough leaves and stems that are difficult for possums to gnaw through.

Protecting your plants from possums requires a multi-pronged approach that incorporates physical barriers, repellents, trapping, and planting possum-resistant plants. With the right combination of these possum removal methods, you can effectively deter possums from damaging your plants and keep your garden looking its best.

How Can Possums Harm The Plants?

Possums are known for their voracious appetite for plants and can cause significant damage to gardens and landscapes. Here are several ways that possums can harm your plants:

Eating Leaves and Fruit: Possums are herbivores and will eat leaves, stems, flowers, and fruit from a wide variety of plants. This can result in plants being defoliated, which can stress the plant and reduce its overall health. In the case of fruit-bearing plants, such as berries and citrus, the fruit can also be eaten, resulting in a loss of potential yield.

Gnawing on Stems and Bark: Possums have sharp teeth and can gnaw on the stems and bark of plants, which can damage the plant’s structure and leave it vulnerable to disease or other pests. This can also make the plant more susceptible to toppling over in strong winds.

Transmitting Diseases: Possums can carry diseases, such as leprosy, that can be transmitted to humans and other animals. In addition, they can also carry plant diseases, which can spread to your plants through their feeding and gnawing activities. This can lead to plant infections and reduce the overall health and vitality of your garden.

Creating Mess: Possums are messy animals and can create a mess in your garden as they feed. They can leave droppings, urine, and fur all over your plants, which can be unsightly and unsanitary. Additionally, they can also attract other pests, such as flies and mosquitoes, which can further compound the problem.

Get Professional Help

Hiring professionals to get rid of possums is a safe and effective solution if you are struggling with a possum problem in your garden or landscape. Professional wildlife control specialists have the expertise, equipment, and training to safely remove possums from your property, and they can also help you identify and address the underlying factors that may be attracting possums in the first place.

In addition, professional wildlife control specialists are familiar with local laws and regulations, and they can ensure that all removal activities are conducted in a humane and ethical manner. If you are struggling with possums in your garden, hiring professionals is the best way to ensure that the problem is handled quickly and effectively, and to protect your plants from further damage. 

In case you want to get rid of the possums from your house in Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra and Hobart, you can hire professionals at CBD Possum Removal. We have all the experience that helps in getting rid of the possums from your house. It is easy to plan the protection of your plants from possums. 

Possums can be a nuisance for homeowners, causing damage to gardens, sheds, and even homes. If you’re looking for a natural and cost-effective solution to keep possums away from your property, making your own possum repellent is a great option. Here’s how you can make your own possum repellent at home:

What Smell Possums Hate How To Make Possum Repellent


2 cups of water

1 cup of white vinegar

1 cup of hot sauce

2 cloves of garlic, minced

2 tbsp of dish soap

1 tbsp of dried chilli flakes (optional)


In a large bowl, combine the water, vinegar, hot sauce, minced garlic, and dish soap. Stir the ingredients together until they are well mixed.

Add the dried chilli flakes (if using) and stir again to combine.

Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake well to combine.

Apply the repellent around the perimeter of your property, focusing on areas where possums are known to travel or where they have caused damage.

Reapply the repellent every few days, or as needed.

Note: This repellent is safe for plants and animals, but be careful not to get it in your eyes or mouth, as it can be irritable to sensitive skin.

By making your own possum repellent, you can keep possums away from your property without the use of harmful chemicals. This natural solution is cost-effective and easy to make, and it can be a great alternative to commercial repellents that can be expensive and contain harsh chemicals.

Making your own possum repellent is a great way to keep possums away from your property. This natural and cost-effective solution is easy to make, and it can be a great alternative to commercial repellents. Try making your own possum repellent today and keep possums away from your property for good!

What Smell Does Possum Hate?

Possums are known for their strong sense of smell, which they use to identify food and avoid danger. However, there are certain smells that possums tend to dislike, and using these can be an effective way to deter them from your property.

One of the most commonly used methods for keeping possums away is to use strong-smelling substances such as ammonia or vinegar. These odours can be sprayed in areas where possums are known to frequent, and the strong smell will often drive them away.

Another effective deterrent is the use of predator urine. Possums have a keen sense of smell, and the smell of a predator can trigger their instinctual fear response, causing them to flee the area. Products made from coyote or fox urine are readily available for purchase and can be sprinkled around your property to keep possums at bay.

Garlic and eucalyptus oils are also known to have a strong, pungent odour that possums tend to dislike. These can be used in a similar manner to ammonia or vinegar, by spraying them in areas where possums are known to frequent.

In conclusion, while possums are highly adaptable animals, they have a strong sense of smell and can be deterred by strong odours, such as ammonia or vinegar, predator urine, garlic and eucalyptus oils, bright lights, and loud noises. If you are experiencing issues with possums in your area, consider using one or more of these methods to help keep them away.

Why Hire Professionals?

Hiring professionals to prevent or get rid of possums is important for several reasons. Possums can carry diseases that can be harmful to humans and pets, as well as cause damage to your property. Additionally, they can become a nuisance if they make their way into your home or garden. Professional wildlife control specialists have the expertise, tools and equipment necessary to safely and humanely remove possums from your property and prevent them from returning. They can also help you identify and address the root cause of the possum problem, ensuring a long-term solution. By hiring a professional, you can avoid the potential health risks and property damage associated with possum infestations, and protect yourself, your family, and your home.

Where To Hire Professionals?

If you’re looking for effective and humane possum removal in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, and Canberra. consider hiring professionals at CBD Possum Removal. Our team of experts is highly trained and experienced in handling all types of pests, including possums. They use only the latest, eco-friendly methods to ensure that your property is protected from pests while causing no harm to the environment. Their goal is to provide you with long-term solutions, not just temporary fixes. They will work with you to identify the source of the problem and develop a customised plan that meets your specific needs. With CBD Possum Removal, you can trust that your possum removal and pest control needs will be taken care of in a prompt, professional, and effective manner. 

You should remove a deceased opossum as quickly as possible, whether you have attempted to deal with the situation on your own or the opossum has walked into your property and died. Decomposing possum carcasses not only stink up the neighbourhood but may also attract other creatures hunting for a meal. Do you wanna know, how to remove a dead possum from your property? It’s necessary to remove dead possums from your property. Still, it’s not always easy to accomplish since they sometimes die in inconvenient places. Therefore, you should hire a professional dead possum removal company to do the job for you.

Remove A Dead Possum From Your Property

Tracking Down The Remains

The sense of smell is frequently the most reliable guide to the position of a corpse. Thus it’s essential to pinpoint the spot where the odour is the greatest. The next step is to look in obscure places, such as the attic, ventilation ducts, or wall cavities, for clues as to where the opossum may have died.

Accessing A Carcass In A Tight Spot

Suppose the carcass isn’t in a readily accessible area. In that case, you may need to consider using a grabber or opening vents to gain a better grip on it so you can take it out. Wear a face mask and safety gear if you enter a small room and if you must cut through drywall to reach the body, do it cautiously and as near as possible. If you are not ready to do it by yourself you can contact a same day possum removal company to do the job.

Placing The Possum’s Dead Body In A Bag

The fleas and ticks on the opossum’s corpse may still be alive, so it’s essential to wear protective gear and gloves before transferring the body to a heavy-duty trash bag. When you’re done, double-bag it to make sure nothing gets out, and then knot the top shut. If you have to wait a while for the corpse to be retrieved, you should put it in a sealed box so that the smell doesn’t spread and attract other animals.

Getting Rid Of The Body

Once the body is bagged, it may be thrown away with the trash or burned. The one thing you shouldn’t do is bury the body since certain animals in the wild may scent it and dig it out, causing further trouble.

Methods For Disposing Of A Possum’s Body

There are no other marsupials in North America. Still, possums and opossums (which appear quite similar to rodents) are the lone exceptions. Like kangaroos and koalas, they carry their young in a pouch until they are weaned. In the face of a predator, a possum has little chance of survival due to its poor speed. When confronted, possums play dead rather than flee.

They snore and breathe extremely slowly as they lie immobile and drool. It is thus imperative that you double-check the possum’s death before getting rid of it. Know how to remove a dead possum from your property and dispose of its body in a righteous manner. 

  1. Give the possum about four hours of alone time. Typically, a possum will play dead for little more than four hours. After awakening, they wriggle their ears and begin to move.
  2. If the possum hasn’t moved after four hours, you should approach it. If the possum is a female, you should check her pouch for any surviving young. To protect baby possums, wrap them with a fluffy towel. Get in touch with a local organization that helps injured or orphaned animals and hand them baby possums.
  3. Avoid getting your bare hands near the deceased possum by donning a pair of disposable plastic or rubber gloves. The gloves are a barrier between you and the possum in case it is infected.
  4. Wrap the possum’s body securely in a plastic trash bag.
  5. Put the trash bag in a covered trash container. It might also be stored in a box made of cardboard and sealed with tape. Scavengers won’t be able to get at the body and tear the plastic bag apart if you keep it in a sealed container.
  6. Leave the trash pail or box at the curb for collection.
  7. The gloves should be discarded, and thorough washing with soap and water performed.

Removal of Possums: A Crucial Task

If you don’t believe it’s necessary to remove the deceased possum from a given area, you’re asking for trouble. A dead animal in the house may bring on a host of health problems, not to mention a terrible odour and an uncomfortable atmosphere. These issues may seem minor at first, but they have the potential to become severe illnesses if not addressed. Having a dead possum around the house may cause several issues, some of which are listed below. Possum corpses are breeding grounds for a wide variety of pathogenic microbes. These bacteria may cause respiratory and other health issues. Finding a dead possum in your home or place of business increases your risk of disease transmission.

Dead Possums Can Be Removed Quickly, Which Has Benefits!

It is very significant to understand, how to remove a dead possum from your property. Possum carcasses may provide an unexpected and immediate threat to human health. The sooner you call CBD Possum Removal for help, the sooner you can kick back and avoid unpleasant odours, germs, and other nuisances. After the deceased possums have been removed, the area is sanitized and disinfected for optimal usage. Infection and illness are less likely to spread as a result. So, it is better to call for professional possum removalists whenever you find a dead possum on your property. 

Wondering how to get rid of a possum in your backyard? There are so many ways you can follow to get rid of possums in your backyard, underdeck, and garden. Removing their food sources, making sure they can’t get into your attic or crawl space, and trapping them with a live trap are some options. In this blog, we have come up with an answer to how to Get Rid Of A Possum in Melbourne from your backyard. But this method is not only useful for removing backyard possums, you can utilize the same knowledge for removing possums from different areas on your property. Before that, know something about possums because this can help in understanding their behaviors that can help in getting rid of them.

How to Get Rid Of A Possum in Your Backyard

What is possum?

Possum is a marsupial found in various regions of the world but they are considered native to Australia. They are the only mammal in the family Didelphidae and the order Phalangeriformes. They have a prehensile tail that they use to carry items or navigate their surroundings. They eat insects, spiders, small animals, and some fruits. The average lifespan for a possum is 10-12 years. Some of them might look like some monkey species. They are mostly seen on a tree. They are known for their screeching sound and sudden attacks so you must hire a Professional Possum Catcher in Sydney to stay safe. 

Here Is How to Get Rid of a Possum in Your Backyard:

If you want to get rid of a possum in your backyard, there are a few things you can do. 

  1. First, make sure they’re not living in your attic or crawlspace. If they are, get them out by using a humane method such as trapping them inside a box with food and water until you can relocate them to a wildlife sanctuary or release them back into the wild. 
  2. If possums are living on your property, you may need to remove them by hand. Possums will most likely flee if they see you coming, so be prepared with gloves, a hat, and noisemakers (like clapping) to scare them off before attempting to capture or kill them.
  3. If you live in an area where possums are common, then you may have to deal with one from time to time. These animals can be a nuisance, especially if they are eating your plants or causing damage to your property. In such cases, you can install possum control boxes or possum nest boxes. When these boxes are there, they will not enter your backyard. 
  4. Use a repellent. A popular repellent for use against possums is called “Dow’s Control.” Apply it around the exterior of your home and any gardens or areas where the animal has been seen.
  5. Get a restraining device. If you have tried using a repellent and the possum is still coming around, consider getting a restraining device such as an animal cage or net. Place it around the perimeter of the area where the possum is spending its time, and release the animal when it’s inside the device.
  6. Call a professional. If all else fails and you need help getting rid of the possum in Brisbane, call a professional. They will have more experience dealing with these animals and may be able to find another solution that doesn’t involve hurting or killing the animal.

How to Keep a Possum off Your Property Safely

Possums are interesting and cute creatures, but they can pose a serious nuisance if they get into your yard. Here are some tips on how to get rid of possum without harming it: 

1. Make sure your property is well-maintained. A well-manicured yard is less likely to have possums living in it since they prefer areas with lots of trees and bushes for shelter.

2. Keep a close eye on your property at all times. If you see a possum on your property, take a picture or video so you can identify it later. If you catch a possum in Canberra the act of raiding your garden or eating your bird feeder, be sure to take appropriate action before it hurts someone or damages property.

3. Use scare tactics if necessary. If the possum won’t leave your property, try making loud noise or throwing objects at it. Be careful not to injure the animal or cause damage to your property; instead, aim for its fear and intimidation factor.

Learned How to Get Rid of a Possum in Your Backyard, Now Negotiations for a Possum Agreement

If you are interested in learning how to successfully negotiate a possum agreement with your neighbor along with how to Get Rid of a Possum in Adelaide from your backyard, the following tips should help. Possums are shy and can be difficult to scare away, but with some patience and persistence, it is possible to get them to leave your property.

Possums are protected in most states and as such, an agreement must be made before any extermination measures can be taken. The first step is to identify the problem – if you notice the damage being done to property or crops by possum presence, then you need to get rid of them. Thus once you have an idea of the number of damage possums are causing, you can begin negotiations.

Keep in mind that possums will only live in areas where they have access to food, shelter, and mates. If you can provide these things for them, they may not need to live on your property anymore. Offer them fresh fruit and vegetables, pet food, or bird feeders set up in their preferred habitat. If they do not want to leave on their own, make sure to keep noise levels down and do not chase or harass them. Setting up possum boxes outside your property can be a good idea. Call our local Hobart possum removal team now. 


Possums can be a nuisance in your backyard, and if you don’t want them there, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them that you have already read above. Before anything, first, make sure that you have the correct idea and resources to deal with a possum in Perth: an iron skillet will work well for trapping the animal and scaring it away. However, if the problem persists, you can call us for professional help. You don’t want to hurt the possum but you also don’t want him coming back, it is a good thought and CBD Possum Removal can help you in the best way fulfilling your thought.

Reliable Possum Removal 0488 851 508